Updated Script
Its only natural that as we progress through our project, our script will develop and change. Therefore I updated our script to add our new scenes and tweak a few of the existing ones. That way we have at least one document which has all the most recent updates/changes
Filming Pt. 3
Due to not finishing our filming last time, I created another film schedule for this Friday - Saturday and organised the film equipment. However even if this is a successful shoot, we still need to reshoot half of our lecture scene since some of our videos seem be corrupt unfortunately. At this point of time, it looks like we will be re-shooting the Lecture scene on May 13th.

Updated Rough Cut
Fortunately we managed to stick to our film schedule and got the remainder of our shots. Therefore I updated our rough cut with the new clips and did a quick colour grade on come of our camera shots. This definitely has a few timing issues but my partner and I will review this once we have all our footage.
Pool Scene Pipeline
To ensure our overall pipeline from start to finish has no errors, we will test this by fully completing a VFX scene before the end of semester. We chose to do the scene where the girls and creature jump into a pool because it has a water simulation and want to get this out of the way. Since this is one of my designated scenes I created a 6 week plan so I can feel more organised and have goals to aim for each week.

Creature Sketch Studies
After reviewing our 3D model we have at the moment, our lecturer suggested that we do some studies and sketch out various poses that our bear may do eg. hands, feet, body movement, facial expressions and the head scarf movement. Then once we do that he suggested to try remodel parts of our creature. This was very good advice because Emily and I immediately realised how this would have been beneficial to do before modelling so we could better understand the anatomical structure off our bear and explore if the design was capable of portraying the emotions we wanted it to. It's a more efficient way of working because if we found that that our design didn't quite convey the right emotions through doing test sketches, then we could keep iterating it until we find the design that works best.
Therefore Emily and I will do some studies before remodelling our creature. I was in charge of studying the creatures feet, facial expressions and the head scarf movement. Although Emily will be the one to model the creature, we spilt up the studies to get it done faster since our top priority right now is to get the creature model done.

Our biggest challenge for animating our bear is only relying on eye and brow movement to portray emotive facial expressions. So by sketching out some test facial expressions we could see pretty quickly if it was able to capture certain emotions and we believe that it can achieve this. Through reviewing the facial expressions, it helped us figure that if we want to animate some of these faces we should model each of the key poses (for example where the eyes change shape) and use blend shapes to effortlessly transition between them. If we hadn't sketched these out I doubt we would have come to the conclusion of using blend shapes until we started to animate. This is not ideal because it means we would have come to the realisation a little late resulting in us having to take a step back to model the faces/ blend shapes before we could continue animating; disrupting our efficient work flow.

Scene Priority/ Checklist
Since we are getting closer to starting to edit our scenes, we made a scene priority/ checklist. We created two columns (one for my scenes and one for Emily's scenes) then listed our scenes in order of their priority - highest priority at the top and lowest at the bottom. we have set this up for ourselves because we are aware that we may run short for time toward the end of our project, therefore we want to ensure that all our important scenes are done since we wouldn't want to rush them and sacrifice its quality.
Then under each scene, we have a checklist of tasks that we can tick off once we are done. Since we each have about 10 shots to edit this will definitely make it easier for us to track our progress on each scene and stay organised.
