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Writer's pictureaoh2570

Week 5

Custom HDRI Maps

Since the last HDRI photos I took were not great, I retook them with a tripod and at multiple exposures this time. Then I took two approaches to see which method would create the best HDRI map. First I used a photoshop to Nuke method where I merged the multiple exposures in photoshop and then blended the photos together in Nuke. Through doing this I was able to paint out (with roto paint) unwanted details such as the tripod and areas with weird distortion.

I also tried to put my image in Luminance HDR to see if this would give me a better result. Although this method was much easier and faster, the quality wasn't very good and had a lot of noise. I assume it might be because the wasn't enough of an extreme difference between the exposures.

Therefore I ended up using the HDRI I created in photoshop/ Nuke.

Tree Model

I As part of our 3D environment I started to model some trees in Maya. I basically just used the 'Curve Ep' tool in may to make a desirable trunk/branch shape and used a ton of image planes for the leaves.

Solving Mocap Data

I finished applying the mocap data we captured to a default actor in preparation for the rigged bear model. Out of the 9 scenes I am compositing, 3 of them I will be using mocap for the animation so it was good to get these 3 scenes ready.

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