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Writer's pictureaoh2570

Week 11

Sky Replacements

Unfortunately I did not manage to get too much accomplished this week due to having a lot on but I started compositing two shots that need a sky replacement. With the sunset scene I tried to use some free stock footage of a sunset and did a quick colour grade with some added light wrap/volume rays to make the scene look coherent.

Original plate:

Sky replacement:

However after playing around with it for a while, it still didn't look quite right - likely because the sun is way too bright for what I want. Hence I tried using an image of another sky and liked it much better.

Sky replacement 2:

I did the same process with replacing the sky in my pool scene. Fortunately since it was overcast the day we filmed it was fairly easy to knock out the sky. However, since there is a lot of detail on the edge of the trees, I'm having trouble with getting rid of the white outline it has because if i erode the edge anymore, the edge detail will be lost. But otherwise the sky matched the scene quite well and did not need much colour grading.

Original plate:

Sky replacement:

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